

Welcome to the ScotlandGenWeb Project homepage. This site is part of the WorldGenWeb Project and is the local resource index page for Scottish Research. 

To learn more about the history of this project or to contact us for more information, please visit our About This Project page.  If you need assistance with this website, please feel free to contact us.  Please do not send your queries to us -- we have Scotland Query Boards setup for all counties.

Try out our global Scotland Search Engine, thanks to Google, we are able to search all Scotland genealogy and history specific websites.

You will want to begin your search by exploring the County Websites.  You may discover that one of the counties is in need of a coordinator.   If you are interested in adopting one of the counties, please utilize the contact me.

We have a query board setup for each of the counties, additionally you may find that a county maintains a system for submitting queries.  

In many cases you might not know which county your ancestor was from.  Please utilize our  General Scotland Query Board only if you do not know the county of origin for your ancestors.

The ScotlandGenWeb Project is in need of volunteers to host county pages, query boards, provide look-up resources, transcribe data, etc...

If you might be interested in volunteering, please stop by the Policies page to learn more about what is required.